List of Hills

Tump (0-99m)s in East Highlands


There are 24 Tump (0-99m)s in East Highlands.

Hill Name Height Grid reference
Hill of Coldwells Hill details... 98.0m NK114409
Druim Dhubh Hill details... 92.0m NH612378
High Law Hill details... 90.0m NK 06225 33923
Binn Hill Hill details... 89.0m NJ307658
Gallow Hill Hill details... 88.0m NJ678637
Laiken Brae Hill details... 88.0m NH 90436 52474
Tappoch Hill details... 87.0m NJ144673
Whyntie Hill Hill details... 87.0m NJ619642
Bauds of Cullen Hill details... 86.0m NJ472671
Hilton Hill Hill details... 78.0m NO823992
Cairn Hill Hill details... 78.0m NJ 94107 28029
Cowhythe Hill Hill details... 78.0m NJ606661
Cluny Hill - Nelson Tower Hill details... 77.0m NJ044590
Arnbath Hill Hill details... 76.0m NJ575657
Plewlands Hill Hill details... 73.0m NJ171700
Torry Hill details... 51.0m NJ949047
Cromal Mount Hill details... 46.0m NH 78231 55558
Drumnacreich Hill details... 44.0m NH 74785 51457
Grange Hill Hill details... 37.0m NJ094621
Dunbuy Hill details... 35.0m NK109371
Tilly Tenant Hill details... 34.0m NO899901
Temptin' Hill details... 31.0m NK110383
Bow Fiddle Hill details... 30.6m NJ 49439 68850
Maw Craig Hill details... 30.0m NJ868655
Map legend
Height Purple icon for hills greater than or equal to 1200m high≥1200m
Red icon for hills between 1100m & 1200m high≥1100m
Orange icon for hills between 1000m & 1100m high≥1000m
Yellow icon for hills between 900m & 1000m high≥900m
Dark green icon for hills between 800m & 900m high≥800m
Green icon for hills between 700m & 800m high≥700m
Indigo icon for hills between 600m & 700m high≥600m
Violet icon for hills between 500m & 600m high≥500m
Dark violet icon for hills less than 500m high<500m
Prominence Icon for hills greater than or equal to 600m prominence (The definition of a P600 or 'major').≥600m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 150m prominence (The definition of a Marilyn)≥150m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 100m prominence (The definition of a Hump)≥100m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 30m prominence (Definition for several hills, primarily Tumps)≥30m
Icon for hills less than 30m prominence<30m More