List of Hills

Current County/UA Tops in Scotland


There are 31 Current County/UA Tops in Scotland.

This list will include any Current County/UA Top twin-tops if they're in this area.

Hill Name Height Grid reference
Ben Nevis [Beinn Nibheis] Hill details... 1344.5m NN 16670 71279
Ben Macdui [Beinn Macduibh] Hill details... 1309.0m NN 98900 98934
Ben Lawers Hill details... 1214.0m NN 63555 41416
Ben More Hill details... 1174.0m NN 43279 24409
Ben Cruachan Hill details... 1127.0m NN 06966 30464
Glas Maol Hill details... 1068.0m NO 16700 76567
Goatfell [Goat Fell] Hill details... 875.0m NR 99144 41535
Merrick Hill details... 843.0m NX 42760 85547
Broad Law Hill details... 840.0m NT 14643 23534
An Cliseam [Clisham] Hill details... 799.0m NB 15488 07288
Kirriereoch Hill (boundary) Hill details... 782.0m NX 41946 87100
Culter Fell Hill details... 748.0m NT 05286 29080
Ben Cleuch Hill details... 721.0m NN 90274 00632
Blackcraig Hill Hill details... 700.9m NS 64767 06407
Blackhope Scar Hill details... 651.0m NT 31512 48324
Earl's Seat Hill details... 578.0m NS 56989 83794
East Cairn Hill Hill details... 567.0m NT 12808 59315
West Cairn Hill Hill details... 562.0m NT 10734 58399
Meikle Says Law Hill details... 535.0m NT 58121 61734
Cort-ma Law East Top Hill details... 526.0m NS 66058 80575
Hill of Stake Hill details... 522.0m NS 27359 62998
West Lomond Hill details... 522.0m NO 19732 06633
Ward Hill Hill details... 481.0m HY 22863 02239
Ronas Hill Hill details... 450.0m HU 30503 83477
Creuch Hill Hill details... 441.0m NS265685
Duncolm Hill details... 401.0m NS 47085 77486
Corse Hill Hill details... 376.0m NS 59840 46464
Darrach Hill Hill details... 357.0m NS 75407 82757
Brimmond Hill Hill details... 266.0m NJ 85612 09150
Cathkin Braes Hill details... 200.0m NS 61479 58383
Gallow Hill Hill details... 175.0m NO 36460 34166
Map legend
Height Purple icon for hills greater than or equal to 1200m high≥1200m
Red icon for hills between 1100m & 1200m high≥1100m
Orange icon for hills between 1000m & 1100m high≥1000m
Yellow icon for hills between 900m & 1000m high≥900m
Dark green icon for hills between 800m & 900m high≥800m
Green icon for hills between 700m & 800m high≥700m
Indigo icon for hills between 600m & 700m high≥600m
Violet icon for hills between 500m & 600m high≥500m
Dark violet icon for hills less than 500m high<500m
Prominence Icon for hills greater than or equal to 600m prominence (The definition of a P600 or 'major').≥600m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 150m prominence (The definition of a Marilyn)≥150m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 100m prominence (The definition of a Hump)≥100m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 30m prominence (Definition for several hills, primarily Tumps)≥30m
Icon for hills less than 30m prominence<30m More