List of Hills

Hills in Isle of Man


There are 54 hills in Isle of Man.

The results include hills in Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man so the chosen Ordnance Survey map could not be used.

Hill Name Height Grid reference
Snaefell Hill details... 621.0m SC 39774 88087
North Barrule Hill details... 565.0m SC 44279 90924
Clagh Ouyr Hill details... 551.0m SC 41449 88942
Beinn Rein [Clagh Ouyr North Top] Hill details... 550.0m SC 42558 90018
Beinn-y-Phott Hill details... 544.0m SC 38107 86024
Carraghan Hill details... 500.0m SC 36871 84908
Mullagh Ouyr Hill details... 491.0m SC 39799 86207
Slieau Freoaghane Hill details... 488.0m SC 34085 88361
Colden Hill details... 487.0m SC 34338 84324
South Barrule Hill details... 483.0m SC 25773 75920
Slieau Ruy Hill details... 479.0m SC 32821 82348
Slieau Lhean Hill details... 469.0m SC426877
Sartfell Hill details... 454.0m SC334872
Slieau Ouyr Hill details... 452.0m SC437879
Carn Gerjoil Hill details... 445.0m SC393840
Cronk ny Arrey Laa Hill details... 439.0m SC 22445 74671
Slieau Maggle Hill details... 427.0m SC346860
Slieau Dhoo Hill details... 424.0m SC352893
Slieau Managh Hill details... 383.0m SC397909
Slieau Whallian Hill details... 333.0m SC 26485 80420
Mount Karrin Hill details... 330.0m SC377919
Beary Park Hill details... 310.0m SC299833
Lhiattee ny Beinnee Hill details... 301.0m SC 21190 72784
Dalby Mountain Hill details... 280.0m SC240779
Cronk-y-Voddy Hill details... 271.0m SC307853
Bradda Hill Hill details... 233.0m SC 19423 71141
The Mount Hill details... 222.0m SC322755
Archallagan Hill Hill details... 213.0m SC300786
Barony Hill Hill details... 201.0m SC462873
Ballakeighen Hill Hill details... 195.0m SC 29553 86577
Slieau Chiarn Hill details... 194.0m SC316765
Ballajora Hill Hill details... 189.0m SC472908
Mull Hill Hill details... 169.0m SC 18988 67677
Cronk ny Arrey Hill details... 164.0m SC192670
Cronk-ny-Mona Hill details... 153.0m SC388792
Corrins Hill Hill details... 150.0m SC233831
Carnane Hill details... 149.0m SC 37209 74513
Howstrake Hill details... 130.0m SC414781
Raby Moar Hill Hill details... 128.0m SC231805
Calf of Man Hill details... 128.0m SC 15235 65942
Balnahow Hill Hill details... 122.0m SC336721
Maughold Head Hill details... 117.0m SC 49608 91637
Maughold Brooghs Hill details... 113.0m SC488921
Calf of Man East Top Hill details... 110.0m SC160659
St John's Hill Hill details... 100.0m SC 28349 82078
Cronk Sumark Hill details... 97.0m SC 39199 94133
West Kimmeragh Hill details... 96.0m NX437011
Cronk ny Arrey Laa Hill details... 94.0m SC458999
Ballafurt Hill Hill details... 94.0m SC 30849 70608
Ballavar Hill Hill details... 68.0m SC455993
Knock-e-Dooney Hill details... 55.0m NX 40670 02084
Cronk ny Arrey Lhaa Hill details... 39.0m SC349991
Burrow [Burroo] Hill details... 39.0m SC158645
The Sugarloaf Hill details... 31.8m SC194661
Map legend
Height Purple icon for hills greater than or equal to 1200m high≥1200m
Red icon for hills between 1100m & 1200m high≥1100m
Orange icon for hills between 1000m & 1100m high≥1000m
Yellow icon for hills between 900m & 1000m high≥900m
Dark green icon for hills between 800m & 900m high≥800m
Green icon for hills between 700m & 800m high≥700m
Indigo icon for hills between 600m & 700m high≥600m
Violet icon for hills between 500m & 600m high≥500m
Dark violet icon for hills less than 500m high<500m
Prominence Icon for hills greater than or equal to 600m prominence (The definition of a P600 or 'major').≥600m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 150m prominence (The definition of a Marilyn)≥150m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 100m prominence (The definition of a Hump)≥100m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 30m prominence (Definition for several hills, primarily Tumps)≥30m
Icon for hills less than 30m prominence<30m More