List of Hills

Hills in Cork


There are 135 hills in Cork.

The results include hills in Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man so the chosen Ordnance Survey map could not be used.

Hill Name Height Grid reference
Knockboy [An Cnoc Bui] Hill details... 706.0m W 00481 62061
Caoinkeen [An Caincin] Hill details... 692.0m W 01040 64553
Hungry Hill [Cnoc Daod] Hill details... 685.0m V 76092 49739
Caherbarnagh [An Chathair Bhearnach] Hill details... 681.0m W 19174 87156
Caherbarnagh NW Top [Glanaprehane] Hill details... 668.0m W 18780 87662
Knockowen [Cnoc Eoghain] Hill details... 658.0m V 80863 55387
Mullaghanish [Mullach an Ois] Hill details... 649.0m W 21429 81798
Musheramore [Muisire Mor] Hill details... 642.7m W 32881 85000
Maulin [Malainn] Hill details... 621.0m V 71287 50532
Eskatarriff [Eisc an Tairbh] Hill details... 600.5m V 73648 53317
Coomacloghane [Com an Chlochain] Hill details... 599.0m V 73264 54814
Cushnaficulla [Cois na Fiacaile] Hill details... 596.0m V822558
Knocknagree [Cnoc na Groi] Hill details... 586.0m V 72675 50570
Mullaghanish NE Top [Mullach an Ois barr soir o thuaidh] Hill details... 586.0m W226827
Caha South East Top Hill details... 586.0m V857580
Maulin North Top [Malainn thuaidh barr] Hill details... 579.0m V712512
Knockeirky Hill details... 577.0m V832557
Sugarloaf Mountain [Gabhal Mhor] Hill details... 574.0m V873529
Lackawee [An Leaca Bhui] Hill details... 572.0m V704517
Conigar [Maolach] Hill details... 572.0m W066638
Sugarloaf Mtn West Top [Toberavanaha] [Curraduff] Hill details... 568.0m V860532
Conigar South Top Hill details... 566.0m W060628
Sugarloaf Mtn West Top [Toberavanaha Hill South East Top] Hill details... 564.0m V862531
Mullaghanish Far North East Top [Garraneycarney] Hill details... 558.0m W235824
Derryclancy [Doire Clainsi] Hill details... 554.0m V 76926 51309
Shehy More [Carrigmount] [An tSeithe Mhor] Hill details... 545.6m W 15173 60039
Coomataggart [Com an tSagairt] Hill details... 539.0m W101688
Killane Mountain [An Calan] Hill details... 537.0m V872595
Nowen Hill [Cnoc na nAbhann] Hill details... 535.2m W 14065 52902
Nareera [Nareeva] Hill details... 534.0m V855531
Killane Mountain South West Top [An Calan barr thiar theas] Hill details... 533.0m V868590
Knockboy South Top Hill details... 532.0m W005605
Knockeirky South Top [Canshanavoe] Hill details... 523.0m V827537
The Priests Leap [Leim an tSagairt] Hill details... 519.0m V978606
Nowen Hill SW Top Hill details... 509.0m W128520
Nareera North Top Hill details... 503.0m V853536
Musherabeg [Muisire Beag] Hill details... 498.8m W 30959 83797
Mullaghmesha [Mullach Meise] Hill details... 494.3m W 09094 51396
Seefin E Top Hill details... 491.0m W375863
Seefin [Sui Finn] Hill details... 491.0m W359865
Knockoura [Cnoc Cumhura] Hill details... 488.0m V 62123 46264
Mweelin [Maoileann] Hill details... 487.0m W129716
Curracahill Hill details... 478.0m W228872
Douce Mountain [Damhais] Hill details... 476.0m W123614
Maughanaclea Hills E Top [Maughanaclea] Hill details... 472.0m W122550
Coomhola Mountain [Sliabh Chom Sheola] Hill details... 472.0m V995593
Doughill Mountain [Duchoill] Hill details... 471.0m W112632
Derroograne Hill details... 468.0m V973577
Knockullane [Cnoc na nUlan] Hill details... 462.0m W224799
Knockbwee [An Cnoc Bui] Hill details... 461.0m W124789
Claragh Mountain [Clarach] Hill details... 452.0m W249890
Maughanaclea Hills W Top Hill details... 452.0m W109547
Cummeenboy Hill details... 442.0m W116743
Knockcraugh Hill details... 434.0m W398857
Knocknaskagh [Cnoc na Sceach] Hill details... 426.5m W 70338 95061
Seefin [Sui Finn] Hill details... 424.0m W678942
Carrigalougha [Carraig an Locha] Hill details... 423.0m W148718
Turners Rock Hill details... 422.0m V910601
Glenkeel Top Hill details... 417.0m V840542
Bweengduff Hill details... 416.0m W468903
Knockacummer [Cnoc an Chomair] Hill details... 408.0m R255134
Knockullane E Top Hill details... 408.0m W240799
Corran [An Carn] Hill details... 407.5m W 65795 95797
Mount Gabriel [Cnoc Osta] Hill details... 407.0m V 93117 34865
Knocknaskagh N Top Hill details... 406.3m W 69961 96125
Nowen Hill Far W Top Hill details... 405.2m W 11255 51783
Mullaghareirk [Mullach an Radhairc] Hill details... 405.0m R260198
Taur [Bucaura] [Teamhair] Hill details... 405.0m R231101
Ballyvouskill Hill details... 401.0m W257852
Mount Hillary [Mullach Allaire] Hill details... 391.0m W425956
Miskish Mountain [Mioscais] Hill details... 386.0m V643479
Burren [Boireann] Hill details... 380.0m W376789
Derrynafulla SW [Derrynafulla] Hill details... 380.0m V888548
Knocknagallaun Hill details... 376.0m V584472
Cousane Hill Hill details... 375.0m W130573
Gowlbeg Mountain Hill details... 362.0m V890528
Milane Hill [Cnoc an Mhaolain] Hill details... 354.4m W 16850 49868
Ballyarthur Hill [Cnoc Bhaile Artuir] Hill details... 353.3m R 78953 17775
Seefin [Sui Finn] Hill details... 345.0m V824397
Carrigarierk Hill details... 343.0m W211617
Caher Mountain [Cathair] Hill details... 338.0m V793379
Tooreen Hill details... 322.0m W383940
Pookeen North Top Hill details... 319.0m W157520
Knocknamaddree [Cnoc na Madrai] Hill details... 313.0m V790298
Carrigfadda [An Charraig Fhada] Hill details... 311.7m W 24242 43066
Inchanadreen Hill details... 310.0m W191535
Derrineanig Hill details... 304.0m W197695
Dereenaculling Hill details... 303.0m W152746
Gouladane Hill details... 303.0m V868421
Derrylahard East [Derrylahard Hill] Hill details... 301.0m V983411
Cashloura [Maulanimirish Hill] Hill details... 296.8m W 20914 48598
Mount Kid Hill details... 296.1m W 03988 40498
Coolsnaghtig [Carrigaphuca] Hill details... 295.8m W 20686 55014
Clearagh Hill Hill details... 287.0m W362645
Mount Corrin Hill details... 284.0m V942390
Shrone Hill Hill details... 283.0m V911553
Knocknaveagh Hill details... 280.0m W 01568 47512
Knockaughna Hill details... 268.0m V894365
Knockanallig Hill details... 267.0m V 70396 43120
Knockagreenan Hill details... 263.0m W402738
Lackacroghan [Leac an Chruachain] Hill details... 260.0m V543420
Cnoc Bolais [Tower Hill] Hill details... 252.0m V 47247 40373
Ballyroon Mountain Hill details... 239.0m V738341
Knockbreteen Hill details... 239.0m W050582
Knockakeo Hill details... 238.0m W944850
Knockaphuca [Cnoc an Phuca] Hill details... 237.0m V823307
Garrylaurence Hill Hill details... 236.0m W909840
Fahane Hill details... 233.0m V902434
Mizen Peak Hill details... 232.0m V745247
Killeigh Hill Hill details... 229.0m W290403
Currane Hill Hill details... 228.0m W338502
Eagle Hill Hill details... 223.0m V563479
Knockshanawee Hill details... 209.0m W455688
Knockatassonig Hill details... 207.0m V752274
Disert Hill details... 205.0m V653427
Slieveadrohid [Hare Hill] Hill details... 201.0m W438508
Knockomagh Hill details... 197.0m W088292
Knockskagh Hill details... 195.0m W198399
Keamore Hill details... 189.0m W195374
Doolieve Hill details... 182.5m W 68414 59752
Glanarough Hill Hill details... 181.0m V523405
Ballydorgan Hill details... 177.0m W898974
Knockarudane Hill Hill details... 169.0m W239360
Garravagh North Top Hill details... 164.0m W567721
Lackenakea Hill details... 164.0m V777254
Cnoicin an tSeabhaic [Clear Island] Hill details... 160.0m V972220
Derryvour Hill Hill details... 160.0m V649544
Lick Hill Hill details... 158.0m W116307
Barryroe Hill Hill details... 156.0m W139294
Cooligboy Hill Hill details... 144.0m W449441
Ballincollop Hill Hill details... 141.0m W488415
Ballindeasig Hill Hill details... 117.0m W744531
Brow Head Hill details... 108.0m V777238
Slievemore (Sherkin Island) Hill details... 101.0m W009239
The Bull Hill details... 92.0m V405402
Map legend
Height Purple icon for hills greater than or equal to 1200m high≥1200m
Red icon for hills between 1100m & 1200m high≥1100m
Orange icon for hills between 1000m & 1100m high≥1000m
Yellow icon for hills between 900m & 1000m high≥900m
Dark green icon for hills between 800m & 900m high≥800m
Green icon for hills between 700m & 800m high≥700m
Indigo icon for hills between 600m & 700m high≥600m
Violet icon for hills between 500m & 600m high≥500m
Dark violet icon for hills less than 500m high<500m
Prominence Icon for hills greater than or equal to 600m prominence (The definition of a P600 or 'major').≥600m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 150m prominence (The definition of a Marilyn)≥150m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 100m prominence (The definition of a Hump)≥100m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 30m prominence (Definition for several hills, primarily Tumps)≥30m
Icon for hills less than 30m prominence<30m More