List of Hills

Hills in hill area no. 46C: Achill Island


There are 11 hills in hill area no. 46C: Achill Island.

The results include hills in Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man so the chosen Ordnance Survey map could not be used.

Hill Name Height Grid reference
Croaghaun [Cruachan] Hill details... 688.0m F 55954 06088
Slievemore [An Sliabh Mor] Hill details... 671.0m F 65031 08670
Croaghaun SW Top [Croaghaun West Top] Hill details... 664.0m F 55354 05844
Minaun [Menawn] [An Mionnan] Hill details... 466.0m F 66138 01957
Knockmore [An Cnoc Mor] Hill details... 337.0m L690994
Benmore Hill details... 332.0m F544047
Tievereivagh [Derreen] [Taobh Riabhach] Hill details... 286.0m L710957
Cornaclea Hill Hill details... 269.0m F607075
Krinnuck [Doogort Hill] [Cruinneog] [Dumha Goirt] Hill details... 214.0m F680078
Achillbeg Island North Top Hill details... 109.7m L 71469 92760
Achillbeg Island South Top Hill details... 108.5m L 71669 92036
Map legend
Height Purple icon for hills greater than or equal to 1200m high≥1200m
Red icon for hills between 1100m & 1200m high≥1100m
Orange icon for hills between 1000m & 1100m high≥1000m
Yellow icon for hills between 900m & 1000m high≥900m
Dark green icon for hills between 800m & 900m high≥800m
Green icon for hills between 700m & 800m high≥700m
Indigo icon for hills between 600m & 700m high≥600m
Violet icon for hills between 500m & 600m high≥500m
Dark violet icon for hills less than 500m high<500m
Prominence Icon for hills greater than or equal to 600m prominence (The definition of a P600 or 'major').≥600m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 150m prominence (The definition of a Marilyn)≥150m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 100m prominence (The definition of a Hump)≥100m
Icon for hills greater than or equal to 30m prominence (Definition for several hills, primarily Tumps)≥30m
Icon for hills less than 30m prominence<30m More